Saturday 28 April 2012


Disappointment has made my heart cold
sheltered from the one i needed most
My face bares a mask I cannot remove
My heart speaks certain words I cannot dispute
my brickwall exterior refuses to acknowledge this but inside its all too evident
In my mind it finally registers I want u with me always
but i dont know how to get back
how to rewind time and go to the happy days
When my heart,body and soul breathe and lived for you
I dont know how to erase all my mistakes
and how to come clean and pure as you want
my mind and heart are split
I want to be good but evil continually entices me
I miss,need,want,adore you
A piece of my heart is missing...where my first love once resided

Friday 30 March 2012

Beauty is skin deep -.- Oh! really

My perception of beauty has been highly distorted
I proclaim that beauty is only skin deep and in the eye of the beholder
but my own mouth laughs at my naivety
the world is a superficial place and i fear vanity has taken over me
My mind disapproves of the lighter is better concept
My mouth screams the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice
but my heart incresed beats seem to mock my own words
slowly these words become a blur and appear to be lies
I want to scream I'm beautiful but its hard to when the world doesnot see this
Actually for once in the human race I will stop lying to myself
allow me to rephrase the sentence, I want to scream out I'm beautiful
but as i stare into the mirror all I see are my words slowly evolving into lies
If i cant see my so called black ebony beauty how can i possible expect the world to
my  perception of beauty has been long distorted
but my mouth spreads lies so the world can believe i have accepted my seemingly self proclaimed beauty
Self hate feels me as even i cannot accept my self

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Makeup Virgin

As i began to put my makeup on another persona seemed to evolve from me
A seemingly more confident,radiant and strong woman looked back at me
With every stroke of my brush my blemishes disappeared
They called this magical substance my foundation
Like an artist with a paintbrush gently stroking and adorning my canvas
My face is transformed into a priceless painting
Fragile and precious to the artist
Colour fills my cheeks and  lightens up my face
My eyes seemed to sparkle, appearing more exquisite
Like an explorer facing unchattered waters,I had embarked on a different adventure
My ebony skin glistened, my eyelashes longer
My bone structure more pronounced
I stared at the mirror suspiciously blanked out from the world around me
My souls screamed finally your true beauty has emerged
A smile spread across my face,my alter ego fully embraced
As night time fell every clearful stroke was removed
my rosy cheeks disappeared
my eyes retreated away appearing once again too small for my face
Every blemish and pimple made an entrance once more
I stared at my reflection confused and somewhat angry
but before disappointment could set in
Someone deep insider whispered words of encouragement ever so soft
Leaving my heart beating faster,me breathless and my eyes sparkling once more

He gently said 'You are fearfully and wonderfully made'
As in a haste a tear rushed down my face

Beauty is truly from within
I cordially invite to my blog(my crazy messed up world :D)
